Category Archives: AWS

AWS S3 read and write operations using C#

Goal of this exercise is to show how to read and write files on AWS S3 from a .NET console application.

Tool/prerequisites we are going to use: Visual Studio, .NET 6, AWSSDK.S3 as NuGet dependency.

GitRepo is available here.

AWS S3 is a versatile product, used for many different purposes from logs to big data storages. It’s basic operations are easy to implement using the AWS SDK.

For the first step we need to create an S3 bucket which will hold our files. Go to AWS console, search for S3 product in the search bar:

Search for S3 in the AWS search bar

Click on Create bucket button:

Create bucket button

Choose a name and region, then hit Create bucket at the bottom of the page:

Creating the bucket

Now we are all set on the AWS console, we are going to use it later on for testing.

We can get back to our code editor and add AWSSDK.S3 to our project, which has bunch of S3 related codes to help us out. Let’s write some code:

using Amazon.S3;
using Amazon.S3.Model;
using System.Text;

namespace BlogDavid_S3ReadWrite
    internal class Program
        // Note: Running the program will use the local machine's credentials!

        // Store the bucket's name somewhere
        const string s3BucketName = "blogdavid-s3readwrite";
        // Set the client to our bucket's region
        static IAmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(Amazon.RegionEndpoint.EUWest1);

        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            // Generating a random path for our text file
            string randomizedPath = $"{Guid.NewGuid()}/{Guid.NewGuid()}/{Guid.NewGuid()}.txt";

            // Adding some text to save
            string textToSave = $"I am a text generated at {DateTime.UtcNow}";

            // Converting the text into bytes
            byte[] textAsBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(textToSave);

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(textAsBytes))
                // Rewinding the stream
                ms.Position = 0;

                PutObjectRequest putRequest = new PutObjectRequest
                    // Name of the bucket
                    BucketName = s3BucketName,
                    // Key as the path under the bucket
                    Key = randomizedPath,
                    // Data we are saving
                    InputStream = ms,

                await s3Client.PutObjectAsync(putRequest);

            // Let's read back the previous file

            // Construction the request object
            GetObjectRequest getRequest = new GetObjectRequest
                BucketName = s3BucketName,
                Key = randomizedPath

            // Sening the request
            using (var getResponse = await s3Client.GetObjectAsync(getRequest))
            using (var sr = new StreamReader(getResponse.ResponseStream))
                // Reading back the response
                var getResponseString = await sr.ReadToEndAsync();
                // Showing the response, which is hopefully the text we just saved


Starting our app, it should write and read a file on S3:

Happy coding!

One good reason to use custom deployment buckets

When deploying serverless Lambda it will create a bucket with the code and CloudFormation template. It is totally fine, but the newly created bucket will be associated with the stack and will prevent us from purging the whole stack.

When do we want to delete a stack?

During development there could be many reasons to completely remove one, few ideas:

  • our Lambda’s type changed, thus it cannot be just updated
  • we had to experiment with roles and want to test them after clean serverless installation
  • none of the resources are required anymore

According to the default AWS policy an S3 bucket cannot be deleted if it is not empty, which exactly is preventing us from purging the stack.

What can one do?

It is really straightforward: create a bucket for serverless deployment. If we manually add a new S3 bucket and point our serverless installer to that, it won’t be interfering with our stack.

When the bucket is there we can add these two lines under provider to our serverless to make it use that for deployment:

    name: serverless-dep-bucket-dev

Updating the utc-time-teller’s serverless it looks like this:

service: BlogDavidPythonLambdaDeploy

  name: aws
  region: eu-west-1
    name: serverless-dep-bucket-dev

    name: utc-time-teller
    handler: src/lambda_handler.handler
    memorySize: 128
    timeout: 30
    runtime: python3.8
      - http:
          path: /{proxy+}
          method: any
      - http:
          path: /
          method: any

Deploying python function as Lambda with API Gateway

Goal of this exercise is to put our previously developed python function behind a REST API.

Tools/prerequisites we are going to use: Visual Studio Code, NPM, python 3, AWS account, AWS credentials configured locally.

GitRepo is available here.

Api Gateways are important infrastructure elements, as a simple Lambda function is only available from inside AWS ecosystem. REST Api is a common, easy to implement standard to share resource.

To make our Lambda function publicly available we are going to update our previous code base with two things: tell the serverless to create the Api Gateway for our stack and upgrade the response of our utc-time-teller.

Let’s start with the python code changes. As we are going to communicate on HTTP channel JSON is a good model structure to respond with. Edit our handler’s code as following:

import datetime
import json

def handler(event, context) -> str:
    dt =
    utc_time = dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)

    return {
        "statusCode": 200,
        "headers": {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
        "body": json.dumps({
            "utc ": str(utc_time)

We are returning a default HTTP response with statusCode of 200 (everything is OK), telling the receiver that the message is in JSON format (“Content-Type”: “application/json”) and of course adding the body itself.

The Lambda is still testable using the previously shown method:

We can continue with the serverless.yml:

Add these few lines to the end of our function:

      - http:
          path: /{proxy+}
          method: any
      - http:
          path: /
          method: any

This will generate the API Gateway on AWS. The whole serverless.yml looks like this:

service: BlogDavidPythonLambdaDeploy

  name: aws
  region: eu-west-1

    name: utc-time-teller
    handler: src/lambda_handler.handler
    memorySize: 128
    timeout: 30
    runtime: python3.8
      - http:
          path: /{proxy+}
          method: any
      - http:
          path: /
          method: any

Now call our deployment script from a command line tool:

serverless deploy

Serverless CLI should add new lines to the logs under the category “endpoints”. Copy the one without {proxy+} ending to the browser and enjoy our newly created API gateway response:

Change between local AWS profile

We can store AWS profile data in a configuration file under C:\Users\{userName}\.aws\credentials like following:



We can easily rotate between them using the following command:

setx AWS_PROFILE profil1

To see which profile is currently selected use this code:

aws configure list

Note: As the above logic uses environment variable to save and read the currently selected profile, we need to restart applications to the update take effect.

Deploying python function to AWS Lambda using serverless

Goal of this exercise is to show how easy it is to deploy our python code to AWS.

Tools/prerequisites we are going to use: Visual Studio Code, NPM, python 3, AWS account, AWS credentials configured locally.

GitRepo is available here.

Serverless is a great tool to have the production code and required cloud computing configuration next to each other. To install serverless, use the following command in your favorite shell:

Note: you will need “npm” installed

npm install serverless -g

Create your folder structure for the project: we are going to need one python file, which will be the host of called function and add a file called serverless.yml, for configuration.

Basic project structure

Let’s start with the python file:

import datetime

def handler(event, context) -> str:
    dt =
    utc_time = dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)

    return str(utc_time)

It is a pretty simple code, which will return the UTC time formatted to string. Which we need to note is the two parameters of our function: event and context, both of them will be added by AWS. As in this exercise we don’t care about input parameters, just add them to our function.

Go to the serverless.yml and add these lines:

service: BlogDavidPythonLambdaDeploy

  name: aws
  region: eu-west-1

    name: utc-time-teller
    handler: src/lambda_handler.handler
    memorySize: 128
    timeout: 30
    runtime: python3.8

service: is the name of the group.
provider: configuration of cloud computing platform.
name: which cloud computing platform we are using.
region: AWS’ regions are available here.
functions: in the use case of AWS, functions are the Lambdas.
“utc-time-teller”: the identifier of our Lambda.
name: how the function will be named on AWS.
handler: path to our function in the form: path/file.functionName
memorySize: how large lambda we are planning to use. Measured in MB-s. Further details and prices can be found here.
timeout: maximum processing time, measured in seconds.
runtime: container type definition with the needed prerequisites like installed python3.8. Further AWS runtimes can be found here.

If we are done with our files, open up a command line tool and call this command:

serverless deploy

Serverless will pack our code and create the stack on AWS. After it finishes, go to AWS Console and in the search bar look for “lambda”:

Search for the name of our lambda “utc-time-teller”:

Click on it and navigate to the “Test” tab, then hit the “Test” button:

If everything went alright, we can see the result of our Lambda:

Where are the AWS settings stored on Windows?

Two main places to put your AWS credentials are environment variables and AWS’ config file.

Environment variables

In the Windows search type in “environment variables” hit Enter:

Hit “Environment Variables” button and under “User variables for xy” add these two keys: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, values should be copied from AWS’ console.

Config file

Create a folder under the following path:


Add a file name credentials (without extension)

Write in the configuration as following:
