Tag Archives: api

Deploying python function as Lambda with API Gateway

Goal of this exercise is to put our previously developed python function behind a REST API.

Tools/prerequisites we are going to use: Visual Studio Code, NPM, python 3, AWS account, AWS credentials configured locally.

GitRepo is available here.

Api Gateways are important infrastructure elements, as a simple Lambda function is only available from inside AWS ecosystem. REST Api is a common, easy to implement standard to share resource.

To make our Lambda function publicly available we are going to update our previous code base with two things: tell the serverless to create the Api Gateway for our stack and upgrade the response of our utc-time-teller.

Let’s start with the python code changes. As we are going to communicate on HTTP channel JSON is a good model structure to respond with. Edit our handler’s code as following:

import datetime
import json

def handler(event, context) -> str:
    dt = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc)
    utc_time = dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)

    return {
        "statusCode": 200,
        "headers": {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
        "body": json.dumps({
            "utc ": str(utc_time)

We are returning a default HTTP response with statusCode of 200 (everything is OK), telling the receiver that the message is in JSON format (“Content-Type”: “application/json”) and of course adding the body itself.

The Lambda is still testable using the previously shown method:

We can continue with the serverless.yml:

Add these few lines to the end of our function:

      - http:
          path: /{proxy+}
          method: any
      - http:
          path: /
          method: any

This will generate the API Gateway on AWS. The whole serverless.yml looks like this:

service: BlogDavidPythonLambdaDeploy

  name: aws
  region: eu-west-1

    name: utc-time-teller
    handler: src/lambda_handler.handler
    memorySize: 128
    timeout: 30
    runtime: python3.8
      - http:
          path: /{proxy+}
          method: any
      - http:
          path: /
          method: any

Now call our deployment script from a command line tool:

serverless deploy

Serverless CLI should add new lines to the logs under the category “endpoints”. Copy the one without {proxy+} ending to the browser and enjoy our newly created API gateway response:

Tool to generate models from JSON

When we are integrating with a new REST API, mostly the request and response objects are defined using JSON and we need to convert them to our programming language models. Depending on the complexity of the communication it can be a huge job, just to type them and it is really easy to make typos.

There are plenty of tools on the internet to solve this problem, but I want to highlight one of my favourites: quicktype.

Quicktype supports many language outputs, including but not only:
– C#
– Kotlin
– Javascript
– Java
– Python
– Ruby
– etc

It’s online tool is totally enough for converting few models:

But their command line tool is quite powerful to handle multiple JSON files:

npm install -g quicktype
echo '[1, 2, 3.14]' | quicktype --lang go

Furthermore the tool’s code is available on Github. Sadly, as I can see, it is not heavily maintained anymore.

Disclaimer: this wasn’t a paid promotion, I don’t even know the developers, just like their product.